About Us
The Quick Version
Dress up or dress down – jeans, shorts, and sandals are all fine.
The service leaflet tells you everything you need to know to participate in the liturgy to whatever extent feels comfortable.
You are also welcome to sit back and take it all in.
You will not be singled out or otherwise embarrassed in front of the congregation.
We use frankincense every Sunday.
You are invited to stay after the service for an informal coffee hour and conversation.

About Us
The detailed version...
Our style of worship could best be described as multi-sensory. The words of the service have spiritual roots going back many centuries. The vestments the clergy wear and the symbolism of art and action work together to remind us that we are part of something much greater: the outpouring of love and praise offered by men and women of every tribe, language, people, and nation – a tradition that began long before we were born and will continue long after we have died. This is called "Anglo-Catholic" because it emphasizes the rich Catholic heritage within our Anglican tradition.
The people of St. Mary’s have always believed that worship should involve the whole person: body, mind, and spirit. The incense and bells, the music, the words we sing and speak all embody our desire to love and serve Jesus Christ with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength.
As you have probably gathered, our worship can come across as esoteric or unusual at first, but after a few visits, folks feel right at home. Our mood is warm and relaxed. Some dress up for church, but for most, comfort is key. Sandals and shorts are a regular fashion statement. Everything you need to know about how to participate is included in the service leaflet, but if you’d rather sit back and take it all in, that’s fine too!
Most of our services are what you might call “smoking services.” We love incense and use it all the time. But we only use pure incense and fine organic smokeless charcoal – which is as close to hypo-allergenic as incense gets.
We offer Holy Communion to every baptized Christian regardless of their denominational background or current status. We also welcome all children to the altar rail so they will never remember a time when they did not participate in the Sacrament.

Now that you know what to expect, please pay us a visit!
We will be honored to welcome you as a guest of God.